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This is the play-by-play version of the previously posted story mode.

The difficulty to defeat monsters with the Goblin trait is increased by 1d4

  • Seoni – Rin figurine
  • Seelah – Saber figurine


  • Goblin Fortress – Seoni start
  • Nettlemaze
  • Woods
  • Treacherous Cave – Seelah start

Seelah opening hand:

  1. Cure
  2. Chain Mail (favored card type)
  3. Longsword +1
  4. Spiked Chain

Seoni starting hand:

  1. Masterwork Tools
  2. Force Missile (favored card type)
  3. Blessing of Pharasma x2
  4. Amulet of Life
  5. Sage’s Journal

Seoni 1st turn

Encountered Sling – Dexterity 5

d6, rolled 1

Seelah 1st turn

Encountered Longbow – Dexterity 5

d4 – not possible

Seoni 2nd turn

Encountered Battered Chest – Disable 10

Recharged Masterwork Tools to defeat barrier

d4 items from box, rolled 2

Received Blast Stone and Amulet of Fortitude

Discarded Blast Stone

Seelah 2nd turn

Encountered Spyglass –  Wisdom 4

d8, used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Magic Half-Plate), rolled 10 (one 2, one 8)

Discarded to examine the top two cards – Greataxe and Bunyip – put Greataxe on top

Seoni 3rd turn

Encountered Plague Zombie – Combat 11

Force Missile – d12 (+4 ), 2d4, rolled 6 (one 1, one 2, one 3), Plague Zombie undefeated

Attempted to recharge Force Missile – Arcane 6

d12 (+4), rolled 10, total 14

Force Missile recharged

Plague Zombie banished – must succeed at a Constitution/Fortitude 6 check or be dealt 1d4 damage

Recharged Amulet of Fortitude to succeed

Still take 1 damage

Attempted to recharge Amulet of Life – Arcane 7

d12 (+4), rolled 11, total 15

Amulet of Life recharged

Drew Blessing of Irori, Acolyte, and Toad

Seelah 3rd turn

Encountered Bunyip – Combat 9

Encountering Bunyip

Before the encounter succeed at a Wisdom 9 check or the difficulty is increased by 1

d8, rolled 5

Bunyip – Combat 10

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Standard Bearer), rolled 15 (one 4, two 5s), total 19, Bunyip defeated

Seoni 4th turn

Encountered Goblin Warrior – Combat 9

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 1

Encountering Goblin Warrior

Goblin Fortress increases difficulty by 2

Goblin Warrior – Combat 12

Used special, discarded Toad for d12 plus d6 (+5), discarded Blessing of Pharasma for 2d12, rolled 23 (one 3, one 4, one 6, one 10), total 28, Goblin Warrior defeated

Drew Burglar and Scorching Ray

Seelah 4th turn

Encountering Zombie

Encountered Zombie – Combat 9

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), rolled 13 (one 5, one 8), total 18, Zombie defeated

Seoni 5th turn

Encountered Crow – Wisdom 5

d6, rolled 1

Recharged Blessing of Pharasma to go again

Encountered Token of Remembrance – Arcane 5

d12 (+4), rolled 10, total 14

Seelah 5th turn

Encountered Collapsed Ceiling – Constitution 9

d8, used special to discard top card for d6 (Blessing of the Gods recharged), rolled 11 (one 5, one 6), Collapsed Ceiling defeated

Seoni 6th turn

Encountered Goblin Raider – Combat 8

Encountering Goblin Raider

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 2

Goblin Fortress increases difficulty by 2

Goblin Raider – 12

Scorching Ray – d12 (+4) and 2d6, Sages Journal d4, rolled 20 (two 4s, two 6s), total 24, Goblin Raider defeated

Attempted to recharge Scorching Ray – Arcane 8

d12 (+4), rolled 7, total 11

Scorching Ray recharged

Attempted to close location

Goblin Raider – Combat 8

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 4

Goblin Fortress increases difficulty by 2

Goblin Raider – 14

Used special, discarded Burglar for d12 plus d6 (+5), Sages Journal d4, recharged Acolyte for another d4, rolled 18 (one 2, one 3, one 6, one 7), total 23, Goblin Raider defeated

Goblin Fortress closed

d4 random weapons from box – rolled 2

Seoni gets Short Sword

Drew Sage and Frost Ray

Seelah 6th turn

Encountered Gogmurt – Combat 10 then Combat 12

Before the encounter, Gogmurt deals 1d4-1 Fire damage

Rolled 4, 3 Fire damage, buried Chain Mail

Encountering Gogmurt

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 1

Gogmurt – Combat 11

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Blessing of the God recharged), rolled 12 (one 1, one 5, one 6), total 17

Gogmurt – Combat 13

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Magic Shield), rolled 8 (one 1, one 3, one 4), total 13

Gogmurt defeated and escaped

Treacherous Cave closed

Drew Blessing of the Gods

Seoni 7th turn

Moved to Nettlemaze

Encountered Bunyip – Combat 9

Before the encounter succeed at a Wisdom 9 check or the difficulty is increased by 1

Not possible

Bunyip – Combat 10

Frost Ray – d12 (+4), 2d6, rolled 13 (one 3, one 4, one 6), total 17, Bunyip defeated

Attempted to recharge Frost Ray – Arcane 8

d12 (+4), rolled 3

Frost Ray discarded

Drew Blessing of Lamashtu

Seelah 7th turn

Moved to Woods

Encountered Mystic Inscription – Intelligence 10

Not possible – banished barrier

Used Cure – d4+1

Rolled 4, shuffled 5 cards from discard back into deck

Attempted to recharge Cure – Divine 8

d8 (+2), used special to discard top card for d6 (Blessing of Gods recharged), rolled 6 (one 2, one 4), total 8

Cure recharged

Drew Standard Bearer

Seoni 8th turn

Encountered Goblin Warrior – Combat 9

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 2

Goblin Warrior – Combat 11

Used special, discarded Sage for d12 plus d6 (+5), rolled 9 (one 3, one 6), total 14, Goblin Warrior defeated

Drew Blessing of the Gods

Seelah 8th turn

Encountered Mercenary – Combat 11

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Magic Shield), rolled 13 (one 2, one 5, one 6), total 18, Mercenary defeated

Seoni 9th turn

Encountered Warlord – Combat 10

Subtract 1 from each die rolled

Used special, discarded Short Sword for d12 plus d6 (+5), discarded Blessing of the Gods for another d12, rolled 16 (one 3, one 6, one 7), subtract 3 for 13, total 18, Warlord defeated

Drew Masterwork Tools and Amulet of Fortitude

Seelah 9th turn

Encountered Tangletooth – Combat 8

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Blessing of the Gods recharged), rolled 14 (one 3, one 4, one 7), total 19, Tangletooth defeated

Attempted to close location – Wisdom 6

d8, used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Blessing of the Gods recharged), discarded Blessing of the Gods for another d8, rolled 8 (two 1s, one 6)

Woods closed

Drew Magic Half-Plate

Seoni 10th turn

Encountered Shortbow – Dexterity 3

d6, rolled 1

Seelah 10th turn

Moved to Nettlemaze

Encountered Shadow – Combat 13

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Troubadour), rolled 11 (one 1, one 4, one 6), total 16, Shadow defeated

Seoni 11th turn

Encountered Giant Gecko – Combat 8

Used special, discarded Amulet of Fortitude for d12 plus d6 (+5), rolled 6 (two 3s), total 11, Giant Gecko defeated

Drew Force Missile

Seelah 11th turn

Encountered Skeleton – 10

Piercing trait adds 1

Skeleton – 11

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Blessing of the Gods recharged), rolled 11 (one 2, one 4, one 5), total 16, Skeleton defeated

Seoni 12th turn

Encountered Bruthazmus – Combat 8

Encountering Bruthazmus

Encounter Bruthazmus twice. He is defeated or undefeated based solely on the second encounter.

Used special, discarded Masterwork Tools for d12 plus d6 (+5), Sage’s Journal d4, rolled 11 (one 1, two 5s), total 16

Used special, discarded Blessing of Irori for d12 plus d6 (+5), Sage’s Journal d4, rolled 12 (one 1, one 4, one 7), total 17, Bruthazmus defeated

Buried Token of Remembrance to recharge Frost Ray from discard

Drew Scorching Ray, Amulet of Life, and Blessing of Pharasma

Seelah 12th turn

Encountered Ambush – Wisdom 10

d8, used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Spyglass), rolled 8 (one 3, one 5)

Search location deck for a monster and encounter it. Subtract 1 from each die.

Encountered Gogmurt – Combat 10 then Combat 12

Final Encounter with Gogmurt

Before the encounter, Gogmurt deals 1d4-1 Fire damage

Rolled 4, 3 Fire damage, buried Magic Half-Plate

Rolled 1d4 to increase difficulty, rolled 1

Gogmurt – Combat 11

Longsword +1 – 2d8 (+5), discarded Longsword for d6, used special to discard top card of deck for a d6 (Blessing of the God recharged), rolled 20 (one 1, two 4s, one 5, one 6), minus 5 for 15, total 20

Gogmurt – Combat 13

Scorching Ray – d12 (+4) and 2d6, Sages Journal d4, discarded Blessing of Pharasma for 2d12, rolled 39 (three 1s, two 6s, two 12), minus 7 for 32, total 36

Gogmurt defeated!

Final Results:

  • Seoni:
    • No change
  • Seelah:
    • No change

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