This is the play by play of the previously posted story mode.
Game 3
- The Professor – Assassin
- Chubby Unicorn – Morgana
- President Gamer – Merlin
- Shutter – Percival
Shutter begins with Leader Token.
This time around was a bit trickier with the added special characters, but we had a good handle on the game by this play through. Team proposals were rejected and questioned more, which made it harder to identify who was Merlin. Quests one and three failed, but the rest succeeded.
- Quest 1: Chubby Unicorn and Clumsy Ninja
- President Gamer and Shutter object
- One Success Card and One Failed Card
- Quest Failed
- Quest 2:
- Rejected: President Gamer, Shutter, and Space Cat
- Professor, Chubby Unicorn, and Clumsy Ninja object
- Approved: Clumsy Ninja, Shutter, and Space Cat
- Three Success Cards
- Quest Succeeded
- Quest 3:
- Rejected: Professor, Shutter, Clumsy Ninja, and Chubby Unicorn
- President Gamer, Shutter, and Space Cat object
- Approved: President Gamer, Chubby Unicorn, Professor, and Space Cat
- Two Success Cards and Two Failed Cards
- Quest Failed
- Quest 4:
- Rejected: Professor, Space Cat, and Chubby Unicorn
- President Gamer, Shutter, Chubby Unicorn, and Professor object
- Approved: Clumsy Ninja, Shutter, and President Gamer
- Three Success Cards
- Quest Succeeded
- Quest 5:
- Rejected: Professor, President Gamer, Clumsy Ninja, and Shutter
- Chubby Unicorn, Professor, and Space Cat object
- Approved: Clumsy Ninja, Shutter, Chubby Unicorn and Space Cat
- Three Success Cards and One Failed Card
- Quest Succeeded
Professor and I had to decide who Merlin was. I was pretty sure it wasn’t Space Cat or Clumsy Ninja, so we were left with Shutter and President Gamer. The Professor thought it was President Gamer at first, but changed his mind at the last moment and chose Shutter. Good wins!
Typically our games take a little longer than the estimated time on the box. We factor in how long it takes some of us to make decisions, plus we’re eating snacks and visiting. Avalon estimates 30 minutes for a game, and I think we may have actually finished faster than that (at least for Game 1). Actual game play is really simple: choose the team for the quest, vote (possibly more than once), the team members choose Succeed or Fail cards, the appropriate quest marker is placed on the board, repeat. Good definitely has the advantage in the game, so it’s really on the Minions of Mordred to figure out who Merlin is. While we’ve played games with a similar strategy, I’m not sure we had as much fun with this one.