This is the first in a seven part series on superhero games.
Superheroes are kind of a big deal in our house, so much so that we had to hide our 17 month old son’s too-small Superman costume in order to stop him from demanding we put in on him. And the amount of Spider-Man merchandise we have is ridiculous (thanks to a certain grandfather).
This means we like superhero games. Admittedly we have a leaning toward Marvel, but in general if it’s a superhero game, we’ll check it out. We won’t get into video games, but I will say we have a preference for the Lego Superhero games. As for tabletop games, not counting pre-existing games with a “new” superhero twist, like Spider-Man Chutes and Ladders, we have four different types of superhero games: deck building, card, dice, and board.
We have:
- Three deck building games: DC, Legendary, and Heroes of Metro City
- One card game: Sentinels of the Multiverse
- One dice game: Dice Masters
- One board game: X-Men Under Siege
In this series of posts, I’ll talk about each game, likes, dislikes, replayability, etc. We’ll go alphabetically (because that makes Professor happy).
In the next post, I’ll discuss the DC deck building game.